Romans 6:17
King James Version (KJV)
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
Romans 6:17 - Amplified Bible
But thank God, though you were once slaves of sin, you have become obedient with all your heart to the standard of teaching in which you were instructed {and} to which you were committed.
Romans 6:17 - American Standard Version
But thanks be to God, that, whereas ye were servants of sin, ye became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto ye were delivered;
Romans 6:17 - Bible in Basic English
But praise be to God that though you were the servants of sin, you have now given yourselves freely to that form of teaching under which you were placed;
Romans 6:17 - Darby Bible
But thanks [be] to God, that ye were bondmen of sin, but have obeyed from the heart the form of teaching into which ye were instructed.
Romans 6:17 - English Standard Version
But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed,
Romans 6:17 - King James Version
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
Romans 6:17 - La Biblia de las Americas
Pero gracias a Dios, que aunque erais esclavos del pecado, os hicisteis obedientes de corazòn a aquella forma de enseñanza a la que fuisteis entregados;
Romans 6:17 - The Message
Romans 6:17 - New American Standard Bible
But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed,
Romans 6:17 - Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy
Pero gracias a Dios, que aunque ustedes eran esclavos del pecado, se hicieron obedientes de corazòn a aquella forma de doctrina a la que fueron entregados,
Romans 6:17 - World English Bible
But thanks be to God, that, whereas you were servants of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto you were delivered.
Romans 6:17 - Young's Living Translation
and thanks to God, that ye were servants of the sin, and -- were obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which ye were delivered up;
Romans 6:17 - Additional Comments
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