What is Maryology and Is It a False Doctrine?
What is Maryology?
The doctrine of Maryology states that Mary’s soul was never touched by original sin; that it was full of grace from the instant of its creation in the womb of her mother (Anne); and that when she was three years old she was brought to the temple and consecrated to God. The doctrine further teaches that God the Eternal Father made her “Queen of Heaven.”
May we say, in all kindness, that the doctrine teaching of Maryology cannot be found in the Bible. The Bible, God’s Word, does not teach that Mary was immaculately conceived.
The Bible nowhere teaches that the Eternal Father made Mary the “Queen of Heaven.”
Many say Jesus wants us to love and respect his mother. Of course, all of us who are God’s children appreciate Mary very much. However, she was an ordinary woman that was a sinner and needed a Savior like everybody else. She had to have Jesus forgive her sins just like anybody else.
We know from God’s Word that Mary was a virgin and thus was pure. She was undoubtedly a very virtuous woman and devoted to God. Her immediate submission to the news brought by the angel and her praises to God show her to be a believer in God and in His promises. We know from God’s Word she knew the Bible well. We can find in Luke 1:46-56 Mary was very familiar with God’s Word, and very close to God. It is wonderful God chose her to become the mother of the body of Jesus. However, the Bible does not say that she remained a virgin all her life.
Why is Maryology Wrong?
There is serious harm done when people put Mary above Jesus. Oftentimes, statues of Mary are larger than the statue of Jesus, placed over and above the statue of Jesus. This is wrong. Jesus is over and above Mary. Mary was a wonderful woman and chosen of God for motherhood to the Baby Jesus. But she was not and is not the Queen of Heaven. Many people have attempted to say that Mary was sinless, and even that she herself can help redeem sinful man. The Bible nowhere tells us this. We must be careful to believe what God’s Word says about Jesus:
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. – Acts 4:12
We should respect Mary and Joseph and all the great men and women of the Bible days, in Old Testament and New Testament times. However, none should be put above Jesus and none should be put equal to Jesus. All of us and all of them are far below our wonderful Savior and Lord.