Is the Bible True and Reliable?
Is the Bible True and Reliable?How The Bible Stands Up
Mathematics and the Bible
It would be foolish to argue that the Bible is a mathematics textbook. Any reader would realize that it contains some arithmetic, but not a presentation of…
Is the Bible Inerrant?
Bible InerrancyGod's Word is Perfect
As we look back into history, the great theologians and Bible teachers of the past didn't address themselves to the problem of inerrancy because inerrancy was assumed. But that has all changed. Today,…
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What Are Spiritual Gifts?There are eighteen "gifts of the Spirit" listed in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4."Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit" (I Corinthians 12:4).Dr. H. L. Willmington outlines…
God of Peace
Is War Ever God's Will?There are many examples where God used war to bring justice to a righteous people or to destroy evil:
War in the Old Testament
In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word "milhamah" (translated "war") occurs more than…
Is Cursing a Sin?
Is Cursing a Sin?One of the most subtle ways of lowering America's standards of morality and decency is the increasingly public use of cursing and profanity. Yes, there are laws against the use of foul, filthy language in public, but these…
Names of God
God's Names and TitlesOne God, Called by Many Names
God teaches us who He is by revealing His nature in His names. In many cultures, a name is given to a person to describe their character or the aspirations of parents to see certain character…
God The Father – Father of All Creation
Is God Everyone's Father?
Although God is Father of all created, some teach that the fatherhood of God means everyone is a spiritual child of God and because of that everyone is going to heaven. According to the Bible, this is not true.This…
What Are the Attributes of God?
The Attributes of GodWhile the absolute attributes of God refer to things true only about God, the comparative attributes of God describe things which are also true to a much lesser extent in people. These attributes include holiness,…