Acts 5:42
King James Version (KJV)
And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.
Acts 5:42 - Amplified Bible
Yet [in spite of the threats] they never ceased for a single day, both in the temple area and at home, to teach {and} to proclaim the good news (Gospel) of Jesus [as] the Christ (the Messiah).
Acts 5:42 - American Standard Version
And every day, in the temple and at home, they ceased not to teach and to preach Jesus as the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - Bible in Basic English
And every day, in the Temple and privately, they went on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - Darby Bible
And every day, in the temple and in the houses, they ceased not teaching and announcing the glad tidings that Jesus [was] the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - English Standard Version
And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - King James Version
And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.
Acts 5:42 - La Biblia de las Americas
Y todos los dìas, en el templo y de casa en casa, no cesaban de enseñar y predicar a Jesùs como el Cristo.
Acts 5:42 - The Message
Acts 5:42 - New American Standard Bible
And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus {as} the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy
Y todos los dìas, en el templo y de casa en casa, no cesaban de enseñar y proclamar el evangelio (las buenas nuevas) de Jesùs como el Cristo (el Mesìas).
Acts 5:42 - World English Bible
Every day, in the temple and at home, they never stopped teaching and preaching Jesus, the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - Young's Living Translation
every day also in the temple, and in every house, they were not ceasing teaching and proclaiming good news -- Jesus the Christ.
Acts 5:42 - Additional Comments
As they said (vs 29), they had to obey God rather than men. So often we weigh the consequences, but it sure seems Peter did not give much mind to it. Oh, how difficult, and oh may we find a way to do the same.
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